Our Story...

Welcome to Ashland Hills Farm
Firmly rooted in the Emerald Triangle, Ashland Hills Farm in Southern Oregon brings together 40 years of farming experience, one of the world’s best climates (plenty of sun, low humidity, the reliable northwesterly, and cool nights), nutrient rich virgin soil, a super team, and a vision of sustainable stewardship of the land. This perfect combination allows Ashland Hills Farm to grow exceptional hemp in harmony with Mother Nature.
We start with carefully selected seeds purchased from the preeminent supplier: Crawford CBD. The greenhouse, our nursery – appropriately, we call the seedlings our babies – is the next step, seeds are placed in an organic growing medium containing beneficial Mycorrhizae.
We nurture our fledging transplants with love and attention, carefully monitoring their moisture and nutrient needs daily to assure they grow strong and healthy.
Once planted, the seedlings grow slowly fighting fierce winds and a low water supply, which encourages development of strong sturdy plants that are naturally impervious to mold and develop unusually numerous, dense large flower. In concert and harmony with Mother Nature, we produce outstanding CBD-rich hemp, free of chemicals and pesticides. Our smokable flower is carefully selected, hand-harvested, and slowly cured in our temperature and moisture controlled cedar barn.
Contact us
541 821 -2474